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Top Menu

The Top Menu Plugin is a component of the KeepTrack application that provides the main navigation menu at the top of the interface. It includes various controls and features to enhance user interaction and accessibility.


  • Sound control toggle
  • Legend menu access
  • Tutorial/Help button
  • Fullscreen mode toggle
  • Search functionality
  • Responsive design for mobile and desktop

User Interface

The plugin adds the following UI elements to the top of the application:

  1. Sound toggle button
  2. Legend menu button
  3. Tutorial/Help button
  4. Fullscreen toggle button
  5. Search icon and input field


Sound Control

  • Click the sound icon to toggle audio on/off
  • The icon changes to indicate the current audio state

Legend Menu

  • Click the layers icon to open the legend menu
  • The legend provides information about the various object types and colors used in the visualization


  • Click the help icon to access the tutorial or help information
  • This opens a modal with context-sensitive advice

Fullscreen Mode

  • Click the fullscreen icon to toggle fullscreen mode for the application

Search Functionality

  • Click the search icon to reveal the search input field
  • Enter search terms to find specific objects or information within the application

Integration with KeepTrack

The Top Menu Plugin integrates with several KeepTrack components:

  • SoundManager: Controls audio playback and muting
  • UiManager: Handles UI initialization and updates
  • AdviceManager: Provides context-sensitive help and tutorials


When extending or modifying the Top Menu Plugin, consider the following:

  • The plugin follows the KeepTrackPlugin architecture
  • It registers event handlers for UI initialization and finalization
  • HTML content is added dynamically using the keepTrackApi.html template literal tag

Code Configuration

The plugin supports the following configuration options:

  • Icon images are imported and can be easily replaced or updated
  • CSS classes control the appearance and behavior of menu items


  • If the sound toggle doesn’t work, check if the SoundManager is properly initialized
  • For search issues, verify that the search input field is properly connected to the search functionality

Remember to test all features of the Top Menu Plugin after making any modifications, as it’s a central component of the user interface and affects the overall user experience of the KeepTrack application.