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Multi-Site Look Angles

The Multi-Site Look Angles Plugin is a component of the KeepTrack application that provides functionality for calculating and displaying look angles between a selected satellite and multiple sensors simultaneously.


  • Calculate look angles (azimuth, elevation, and range) between a satellite and multiple sensors
  • Display look angles in a table format
  • Configurable calculation length and interval
  • Enable/disable specific sensors for calculations
  • Export look angle data to CSV

User Interface

The plugin adds the following UI elements:

  1. A “Multi-Site Looks” icon in the bottom menu for quick access
  2. A side menu with a table displaying multi-site look angle data
  3. Settings to enable/disable specific sensors
  4. A download button to export data as CSV

Look Angle Information Displayed

  • Time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
  • Elevation (El) in degrees measured from the horizon
  • Azimuth (Az) in degrees measured clockwise from true north
  • Range (Rng) in kilometers
  • Sensor Name


Viewing Multi-Site Look Angles

  1. Select a satellite
  2. Click the “Multi-Site Looks” icon in the bottom menu
  3. View the detailed look angle information for multiple sensors in the side menu table

Configuring Sensor Selection

  1. Open the Multi-Site Look Angles side menu
  2. Click the settings icon
  3. Use the buttons to enable or disable specific sensors:
    • Red buttons indicate disabled sensors
    • Blue buttons indicate enabled sensors
  4. The look angles table will automatically update based on your sensor selection

Exporting Look Angle Data

  1. Open the Multi-Site Look Angles side menu
  2. Click the download icon
  3. The data will be saved as a CSV file named multisite-[satellite-number]-look-angles.csv

Integration with KeepTrack

The Multi-Site Look Angles Plugin integrates with several KeepTrack components:

  • SelectSatManager: Retrieves the currently selected satellite
  • SensorManager: Manages sensor data and selection
  • TimeManager: Handles time-related calculations and offsets
  • SoundManager: Plays sound effects for user interactions
  • CatalogManager: Accesses the static set of objects


When extending or modifying the Multi-Site Look Angles Plugin, consider the following:

  • The plugin follows the KeepTrackPlugin architecture
  • It depends on the SelectSatManager plugin
  • Look angle calculations are performed using the SatMath utility
  • The plugin filters out sensors that are out of range for the selected satellite

Code Configuration

The plugin supports the following configuration options:

  • lengthOfLookAngles_: The length of time to calculate look angles for in days (default: 1)
  • angleCalculationInterval_: The interval between each line of look angles in seconds (default: 30)
  • disabledSensors_: An array of sensors that are initially disabled


  • If look angles are not displaying, ensure that a satellite is selected
  • Check the browser console for any error messages
  • Verify that the required dependencies (SelectSatManager, SensorManager, etc.) are properly initialized
  • If a sensor is not appearing in the list, check if it has a valid objName property

Performance Considerations

  • The plugin optimizes calculations by skipping sensors that are out of range for the selected satellite
  • It uses a 3/4 orbital period jump to reduce calculation time for satellites with longer periods