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Polar Plot

The Polar Plot Plugin is a component of the KeepTrack application that generates and displays polar plots for satellite passes. These plots visualize a satellite’s azimuth and elevation over time from a selected sensor’s perspective.


  • Generates polar plots for the first satellite passes in the next 72-hour period
  • Displays the plot in a side menu with a canvas element
  • Allows saving the plot as a PNG image
  • Integrates with other KeepTrack components like SelectSatManager and SensorManager
  • Updates the plot when the time offset changes
  • Provides keyboard shortcut (‘P’) for quick access

User Interface

The plugin adds the following UI elements:

  1. A “Polar Plot” icon in the bottom menu for quick access
  2. A side menu containing:
    • A canvas element displaying the polar plot
    • A “Save Image” button to download the plot


  1. Select a Satellite
  2. Select a Sensor
  3. Click the “Polar Plot” icon in the bottom menu (or press ‘P’ on your keyboard)
  4. View the generated polar plot in the side menu
  5. (Optional) Click “Save Image” to download the plot as a PNG file

Plot Information

The polar plot displays the following information:

  • Azimuth (0° to 360°) around the circumference of the plot
  • Elevation (0° to 90°) from the edge to the center of the plot
  • Satellite’s path during its pass, represented by a white line
  • Start point of the pass (green dot)
  • End point of the pass (red dot)
  • Satellite number and pass duration in the title

Integration with KeepTrack

The PolarPlotPlugin integrates with several KeepTrack components:

  • SelectSatManager: Retrieves the currently selected satellite
  • SensorManager: Gets the current sensor information
  • TimeManager: Handles time-related calculations and offsets
  • SoundManager: Plays sound effects for user interactions
  • InputManager: Registers keyboard events


When extending or modifying the PolarPlotPlugin, consider the following:

  • The plugin follows the KeepTrackPlugin architecture
  • It depends on the SelectSatManager plugin
  • The plot is generated using HTML5 Canvas
  • The plugin listens for time offset changes and satellite selection events to update the plot

Code Configuration

The plugin supports the following configuration options:

  • isRequireSatelliteSelected: Set to true, requires a satellite to be selected
  • isRequireSensorSelected: Set to true, requires a sensor to be selected
  • dragOptions: Configures the draggability and size limits of the side menu


  • If the plot is not displaying, ensure that both a satellite and a sensor are selected
  • Check that the satellite is visible from the sensor within the next 72 hours
  • Verify that the canvas element is properly initialized and visible in the DOM