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Color Menu

The Color Menu plugin is a component of the KeepTrack application that provides functionality for changing the color scheme used to render objects in the space visualization.


  • Change color schemes based on various object properties and characteristics
  • Accessible via bottom menu icon and right-click context menu
  • Integration with legend display
  • Support for multiple color schemes including object type, sunlight status, velocity, orbit density, and more

User Interface

The plugin adds the following UI elements:

  1. A “Color Schemes” icon in the bottom menu for quick access
  2. A side menu with a list of available color schemes
  3. A “Color Scheme” option in the right-click context menu
  4. A submenu in the right-click context menu with quick access to popular color schemes

Color Schemes Available

  1. Object Type (default)
  2. Sunlight
  3. Velocity
  4. Orbit Density
  5. Confidence Level
  6. Radar Cross Section (RCS)
  7. Starlink
  8. Small Satellites
  9. Countries
  10. Near Earth
  11. Deep Space
  12. Elset Age
  13. Lost Objects


Changing Color Scheme via Side Menu

  1. Click the “Color Schemes” icon in the bottom menu
  2. Select a color scheme from the list in the side menu
  3. The visualization will update to reflect the new color scheme

Changing Color Scheme via Right-Click Menu

  1. Right-click anywhere on the visualization
  2. Hover over “Color Scheme” in the context menu
  3. Select a color scheme from the submenu
  4. The visualization will update to reflect the new color scheme

Integration with KeepTrack

The Color Menu Plugin integrates with several KeepTrack components:

  • CatalogManager: Handles satellite data and cruncher messages
  • ColorSchemeManager: Manages the application of different color schemes
  • UiManager: Handles UI updates and notifications
  • LegendManager: Updates the legend display based on the selected color scheme


When extending or modifying the Color Menu Plugin, consider the following:

  • The plugin follows the KeepTrackPlugin architecture
  • It registers event handlers for UI interactions
  • Color scheme changes are handled by the colorsMenuClick static method
  • Some color schemes require additional processing (e.g., sunlight calculations)

Code Configuration

The plugin supports the following configuration options:

  • bottomIconImg: Image for the bottom menu icon
  • bottomIconLabel: Label for the bottom menu icon
  • dragOptions: Configuration for making the side menu draggable


  • If a color scheme doesn’t appear to change, check the browser console for any error messages
  • Ensure that the required KeepTrack components (CatalogManager, ColorSchemeManager, etc.) are properly initialized
  • For performance issues with certain color schemes, consider optimizing the calculation methods or adding loading indicators for long-running processes