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The Collisions Plugin provides functionality to display and interact with potential satellite collision events in the KeepTrack application.


  • Fetches and displays a list of potential satellite collisions
  • Allows users to select and view details of specific collision events
  • Updates the application time to the time of the selected collision
  • Integrates with other KeepTrack components for satellite selection and time management

User Interface

The plugin adds the following UI elements:

  1. A “Collisions” icon in the bottom menu for quick access
  2. A side menu displaying a table of potential collision events
  3. A help popup providing information about the Collisions Menu

Collision Information Displayed

  • Time of Closest Approach (TOCA)
  • Satellite numbers for both objects involved
  • Maximum probability of collision
  • Minimum range between objects (in kilometers)
  • Relative speed between objects (in km/s)


Viewing Collision Data

  1. Click the “Collisions” icon in the bottom menu
  2. The side menu will open, displaying a table of potential collisions
  3. If it’s the first time opening, the plugin will fetch the collision data

Interacting with Collision Events

  1. Click on a row in the collision table
  2. The application will:
    • Select the two satellites involved in the collision
    • Change the simulation time to 30 seconds before the collision event
    • Update the main view to focus on the selected satellites

Integration with KeepTrack

The Collisions Plugin integrates with several KeepTrack components:

  • SelectSatManager: For selecting the satellites involved in a collision
  • TimeManager: To update the simulation time to the collision event
  • MainCamera: To adjust the view focus
  • UiManager: For handling UI interactions and searches
  • CatalogManager: To retrieve satellite information


When extending or modifying the Collisions Plugin, consider the following:

  • The plugin follows the KeepTrackPlugin architecture
  • Collision data is fetched asynchronously and stored in the collisionList_ property
  • The UI is generated dynamically based on the fetched collision data

Code Configuration

The plugin supports the following configuration options:

  • collisionDataSrc: The source URL for the collision data JSON file
  • dragOptions: Configures the draggability of the side menu


  • If the collision table is empty, check the browser console for any error messages
  • Verify that the collisionDataSrc URL is correct and accessible
  • Ensure that the required KeepTrack components (SelectSatManager, TimeManager, etc.) are properly initialized