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Date Time Manager

The Date Time Manager Plugin is a component of the KeepTrack application that provides functionality for managing and interacting with the simulation time.


  • Displays current simulation date and time
  • Allows users to edit the simulation time
  • Updates Julian Day (JDay) display
  • Integrates with other KeepTrack components for time-based calculations

User Interface

The plugin adds the following UI elements:

  1. A Julian Day (JDay) display
  2. A clickable date/time display
  3. A date/time input form with a date picker

Date Time Information Displayed

  • Julian Day (JDay): The number of days since the start of the year
  • Current simulation date and time


Viewing Current Date and Time

  • The current simulation date and time are displayed in the top menu

Changing Simulation Time

  1. Click on the displayed date/time in the top menu
  2. Use the date picker that appears to select a new date and time
  3. The simulation will update to reflect the new time

Integration with KeepTrack

The Date Time Manager Plugin integrates with several KeepTrack components:

  • TimeManager: Handles time calculations and synchronization
  • ColorSchemeManager: Updates color schemes based on time changes
  • UiManager: Updates UI elements related to time changes
  • UrlManager: Updates the URL to reflect time changes


When extending or modifying the Date Time Manager Plugin, consider the following:

  • The plugin follows the KeepTrackPlugin architecture
  • It registers event handlers for UI interactions and time updates
  • The plugin uses jQuery UI’s datepicker for the date/time input

Code Configuration

The plugin supports the following configuration options:

  • divContainerId: The ID of the main container div (default: ‘datetime’)
  • dateTimeInputTbId: The ID of the date/time input textbox (default: ‘datetime-input-tb’)


  • If the date/time display is not updating, check if the TimeManager is properly initialized
  • For issues with the date picker, ensure that jQuery UI is correctly loaded
  • If time-based calculations seem incorrect after a time change, verify that all relevant components are being notified of the time update