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Look Angles

The Look Angles Plugin is a component of the KeepTrack application that provides functionality for calculating and displaying look angles between a selected sensor and satellite.


  • Calculate look angles (azimuth, elevation, and range) between a sensor and satellite
  • Display look angles in a table format
  • Option to show only rise and set times
  • Configurable calculation length and interval
  • Export look angle data to CSV

User Interface

The plugin adds the following UI elements:

  1. A “Look Angles” icon in the bottom menu for quick access
  2. A side menu with a table displaying look angle data
  3. Settings to configure calculation parameters
  4. A download button to export data as CSV

Look Angle Information Displayed

  • Time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
  • Elevation (El) in degrees measured from the horizon
  • Azimuth (Az) in degrees measured clockwise from true north
  • Range (Rng) in kilometers


Viewing Look Angles

  1. Select a sensor using the Sensor List Plugin
  2. Select a satellite
  3. Click the “Look Angles” icon in the bottom menu
  4. View the detailed look angle information in the side menu table

Configuring Look Angle Calculations

  1. Open the Look Angles side menu
  2. Click the settings icon (gear)
  3. Adjust the following settings:
    • Toggle “Show Only Rise and Set Times”
    • Set “Calculation Length (Days)”
    • Set “Interval (Seconds)”
  4. The look angles will automatically update based on your settings

Exporting Look Angle Data

  1. Open the Look Angles side menu
  2. Click the download icon
  3. The data will be saved as a CSV file

Integration with KeepTrack

The Look Angles Plugin integrates with several KeepTrack components:

  • SelectSatManager: Retrieves the currently selected satellite
  • SensorManager: Gets the current sensor information
  • TimeManager: Handles time-related calculations and offsets
  • SoundManager: Plays sound effects for user interactions


When extending or modifying the Look Angles Plugin, consider the following:

  • The plugin follows the KeepTrackPlugin architecture
  • It depends on the SelectSatManager plugin
  • Look angle calculations are performed using the SensorMath utility

Code Configuration

The plugin supports the following configuration options:

  • isRiseSetOnly: Determines if only rise and set times should be shown (default: true)
  • angleCalculationInterval: The interval between each line of look angles in seconds (default: 30)
  • lengthOfLookAngles: The length of time to calculate look angles for in days (default: 2)


  • If look angles are not displaying, ensure that both a sensor and a satellite are selected
  • Check the browser console for any error messages
  • Verify that the required dependencies (SelectSatManager, SensorManager, etc.) are properly initialized